42. BL
Author: Ellen D. Reeder, editor ; with essays by Esther Jacobson ... [et al.].
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

43. BL,Includes bibliographical references and index. 0
Author: edited by Jeff Haynes. ,Tom O'Donoghue.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

44. Best value in construction /
Author: edited by John Kelly, Roy Morledge and Sara Wilkinson.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Construction industry-- Management.,Construção civil (administração),Construction industry-- Management.
Classification :

45. Cold war history
Author: edited by Frédéric Bozo ... [ et al.].
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

47. Driven :
Author: Razi Imam, with Hank Walshak.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Imam, Razi,1960-,Imam, Razi / 1960-,Imam, Razi,1960-,Businessmen-- United States, Biography.,Success in business.,Success.,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY-- General.,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Management.,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Reference.,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Skills.,Businessmen.,Success in business.,Success.,United States., 7
Classification :

48. Ein Leben für die Handchirurgie :
Author: Dieter Buck-Gramcko.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Hand-- Surgery.,Human anatomy.,Orthopedics.,Physicians, Biography.,Surgeons, Biography.,Surgery.,Hand-- surgery.,Physicians.,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY-- Medical.,Hand-- Surgery.,Human anatomy.,MEDICAL-- Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.,Orthopedics.,Physicians.,Surgeons.,Surgery.
Classification :

50. Includes bibliographi
Author: Douglas J. Davies.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

51. Includes bibliographical references (p. 49-51). 0,B
Author: Zeren Tanındı. ,/ Katie Normington.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

52. Includes bibliographical references (p. 231-243) and
Author: edited by Darren J.N. Middleton ; featuring essays by Martin Scorsese, Peter Bien & Peter T. Chattaway.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

53. Introduction -- Severing the aesthetic connection -- Texts, readers, and reading formations -- Figuring audiences and readers -- Culture and governmentality -- Acting on the social : art, culture, and government -- Archaeological autopsy : objectifying time and cultural governance -- Civic seeing : museums and the organisation of vision -- Intellectuals, culture, policy : the technical, the practical, and the critical -- The hist
Author: Tony Bennett.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

54. Issues in contemporary Pentecostalism /
Author: editors : R. Keith Whitt & French L. Arrington.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Pentecostalism-- Doctrines.,Pentecostalism.,Pentecostalism-- Doctrines.,Pentecostalism.
Classification :

56. Machine generated contents note: The Context -- Development of Islamic Thought in the -- 20th Century -- Features of the Socio-Economic Development -- in the Occupied Territories and the Intifada -- PART ONE: THE BASIC THEMES IN THE -- THOUGHT OF HAMAS -- The Problem: Israel, Zionism and the Jews -- The Goal: An Islamic Palestinian State -- Sense of Urgency: Mass-Immigration -- of Soviet Jews -- Hostility and Isolation -- The International Community -- The Arab-Muslim Countries -- The Traditional Palestinian Leadership -- Means -- Palestine:Jihad in Form of the Intifdda -- The Arab-Muslim World: Islamisation -- and Democratisation -- Self-Image of Islam -- v Inner Enemy: The Palestinian -- Liberation Organisa
Author: Andrea Nüsse.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

57. Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848) and Alienated Labor (1844) / Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels -- The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism (1905) / Max Weber -- The stages of economic growth : a non-communist manifesto (1960) / W. W. Rostow -- The change to change : modernization, development, and politics (1971), and Political order in changing societies (1968) / Samuel Huntington -- The development of underdevelopment (1969) / Andre Gunder Frank -- Dependency and development in Latin America (1972) / Fernando Henrique Cardoso -- The rise and future demise of the world capitalist system : concepts for comparative analysis -- (1979) / Immanuel Wallerstein -- Rethinking development theory : insights from East Asia and Latin America (1989/1994) / Gary Gereffi -- Gender and the global economy (1999) / Valentine M. Moghadam -- The new international division of labor in the world economy (1980) / Folker Frbel, Jrgen Heinrichs, and Otto Kreye -- The informational mode of development and the restructuring of capitalism (1989) / Manuel Castells -- Cities in a world economy (2000) / Saskia Sassen -- Globalization : myths and realities (1996) / Philip McMichael -- Competing conceptions of globalization (1999) / Leslie Sklair -- It's a flat world, after all (2005) / Thomas L. Friedman -- In defense of global capitalism (2003) / Johan Norberg -- What strategies are viable for developing countries today? : the World Trade Organization and the shrinking of "development space" (2003) / Robert Hunter Wade -- Globalism's discontents (2002) / Joseph E. Stiglitz -- The new global economy and developing countries : making openness work (1999), and Has globalization gone too far? (1997) / Dani Rodrik -- Industrial convergence, globalization, and the persistence of the North-South divide (1999) / Giovanni Arrighi, Beverly J. Silver, and Benjamin D. Brewer -- The new development-security terrain (2001) / Mark Duffield -- The antiglobalization movement (2005) / Jeffrey D. Sachs -- Reconstructing world order : towards cosmopolitan social democracy (2002) / David Held and Anthony McGrew -- Environmental advocacy networks (1997) / Margaret E. Keck and Kathryn Sikkink -- What can we expect from global abor movements?: five commentaries (2002) / Ralph Armbruster, Bradley Nash, Jr.,
Author: edited by J. Timmons Roberts and Amy Hite.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

58. Materials for nonlinear optics :
Author: Seth R. Marder, editor, John E. Sohn, editor, Galen D. Stucky, editor
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Materials-- Optical properties, Congresses,Nonlinear optics, Congresses,Stereochemistry, Congresses,Materials-- Optical properties, Congresses,Nonlinear optics, Congresses,Stereochemistry, Congresses
Classification :